Call For Papers

We invite contributions to the Young Talents International Conference to be hosted at St. Pölten UAS.

As increasingly advanced technology finds its way into every household, data becomes more valuable. With that comes a plethora of exciting research topics and concerns that need to be addressed. The YTIC gives researchers a platform to present their work to a broad audience from various backgrounds and interests who will be attending.

Relevant Topics

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Human-Centered AI
  • Explainable AI
  • Data Visualization
  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Blockchain
  • Hash Graphs
  • Web Applications
  • App Development
  • Metadata usage to personalize media

Authors should consult the conference’s submission guidelines to ensure their submissions meet all requirements. Submissions not meeting requirements are subject to early rejection with minimal feedback.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are limited to 1-2 content pages, which include all figures and tables referenced.

Papers must be formatted according to the guidelines specified below. Any submissions not conforming with the page limit and format will be desk rejected.

The short papers will undergo a lightweight review an will be presented as oral or posters at the conference.

Submissions will be entered via EasyChair

Formatting your submission

All submissions must be in PDF format and written in English. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be rejected without review.

Important Dates

  • Extended Abstract submission: March 30, 2025. Compulsory for all papers/posters.

All submission deadlines are end-of-day in the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.